American Radical, by Tamer Elnoury and Kevin Maurer, is an incredible memoir of a Muslim American FBI agent working counterterrorism. As soon as I started reading this book, I knew that I was going to love it.
The Gist
The tone is relatively informal but it sucks you in from the start with a fast paced drug bust. From there, Elnoury begins his journey on how he got involved in law enforcement and then the FBI as an undercover agent. After September 11, Elnoury joins an elite counterrorism unit with the express purpose of gaining the trust of known terrorists to figure out their nefarious plans and eradicate terrorist cells in North America.
The Review
I particularly loved two things about this book:
- The entertainment! You have a terrorist plot, an undercover agent, and a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. Doesn’t that sound like the last James Bond movie? The way the authors lay out the story keeps you turning the pages to try to figure out what happens next.
- Elnoury’s faith! I loved Elnoury’s heartfelt defense of Islam and his capacity to mentally cope with befriending jihadists. Throughout the book, Elnoury internally rages on how others twist something so sacred and important to him into something that justifies evil deeds. The exhaustion and frustration eventually set in but Elnoury’s courage and mental fortitude allow him to continue to put his life on the line to keep others safe.
If you can’t tell by now, I obviously thought this book was wonderful. Full of interesting characters and real day heroes, I truly enjoyed the book from start to finish. Don’t miss out on this thriller!
Alyssa Flores

Alyssa reads hundreds of books a year and is on a never-ending quest to find the perfect book.