Parallel universes, anti-heroes, and villains that collapse lungs with magic. Honestly, what’s a better book to read at book club?! Ready for something a little grittier than Untamed by Glennon Doyle (although a classic book club pick…)? Look no further than Chosen Ones by Veronica Roth.
The Gist
As teenagers, five heroes (aka Chosen Ones) managed to defeat the Dark One, an otherworldly villain that craved destruction. A decade later, these Chosen Ones are still overcoming the trauma experienced from battling an evil no one could understand. In a twist of fate, our main heroine and friends are transported to a parallel universe that’s still experiencing their own version of the Dark One, the Resurrectionist. With no other option but to re-enter into a battle none of them want to fight, our heroes will do their best to defeat the reign of the Resurrectionist and return home to a world that might never be the same.
Feyble’s Book Club Pick of the Month
I LOVED the Divergent series by Veronica Roth. If you haven’t read that, add it to your list. Even the movie adaptation was pretty solid. I thought I was “in the know” on Veronica Roth books. Color me surprised when, while browsing the bookstore, I stumbled upon Chosen Ones. Obviously, I picked it up and after being shocked that this wasn’t on my radar, I got in line to check out and instantly started reading. This book sucked me in quickly and the story moved at a nice clip. And it was so exciting – battles, a zombie-like army, and magic oh my!
Why is this book Feyble’s book club pick of the month?
I think book clubs are fantastic. You drink wine, eat cheese, read great books, and talk about plot lines and character development. Have I mentioned talking about books gets me giddy?! But sometimes book clubs can take themselves a bit too seriously. If we’re only picking out the sad, long, philosophical books or the short, symbolic, satirical books, we miss out on the entertainment provided by fun, action-filled reads.
Sad, long philosophical books aka Aristotle.
Short, symbolic, satirical books aka George Orwell.
But don’t underestimate the fun, action-filled books!
Just because this book isn’t necessarily the next Pulitzer Prize winner, doesn’t mean it’s not worth a read. It’s twisty and dark and delivered a tale that should have you questioning each flawed character in this book. Sloane, our main heroine and Chosen One, is no one’s cupcake. She’s tough and ruthless and her impulsive actions sometimes get others into trouble. On the other hand, the devilish Resurrectionist, who may or may not go on random murder rampages, doesn’t always play the villain. Discussing how their character development and moral ineptitudes affected the story while also talking about how wild an undead army would be makes for GREAT book club discussion. Pass the wine please!
If you’d like to see other reviews, check out what other people had to say here!
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Alyssa Flores

Alyssa reads hundreds of books a year and is on a never-ending quest to find the perfect book.